Saturday 26 July 2008

Once in a blue moon

Qualche giorno fa, in un meeting, un collega australiano se ne e' venuto fuori poi questa cosa e' richiesta once in a blue moon....beh visto che di lune blu non se ne vedono spesso, il significato e' piuttosto chiaro...

Wikipedia in realta' spiega che " blue moon is actually a name given to an irregularly timed full moon. Most years have twelve full moons which occur approximately monthly, but each calendar year contains those twelve full lunar cycles plus about eleven days to spare. The extra days accumulate, so that every two or three years there is an extra full moon (this happens every 2.72 years). Different definitions place the extra moon at different times - the extra moon is called a "blue moon"."

Insomma, si potrebbe concludere che "once in a blue moon" e' molto piu' spesso che "una volta ogni morte di Papa"!

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